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100 Years of Science Fueling 100 Years of Prosperity

GeoLegend Interviews

The GeoLegends Interview Series comprises a set of 86 video interviews with 53 key geoscientists who made game-changing discoveries, significant scientific contributions that were adopted by the greater geo-community, or people who made significant contributions in building companies or through service to the profession. The interviews highlight the thought processes involved with their work.

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Discovery Thinking

The Discovery Thinking Forums have been presented at AAPG Annual Conventions and Exhibitions since 2008 and videoed for permanent access. Charles Sternbach, Ed Dolly and Paul Weimer have worked on this series for the past decade.

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Landmark Papers

Past AAPG President Randi Martinsen has overseen a major compilation of a list of the most influential papers in the different disciplines in petroleum geology. These lists include the seminal papers that introduced concepts that are now routinely used by geoscientists. Input was gathered from 20 sub-committees.

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Top 100 Field Trips

Steve Sonnenberg and Rick Fritz have compiled a list of the top 100 Field Trip Guides that are accessible on the Datapages and Search and Discovery sites. The list includes field guides from the past 70 years, from more than 30 different professional societies. The list includes trips to more than 50 sedimentary basins.

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