In 1968, Harry Jamison led the Atlantic Richfield team of explorationists that discovered Prudhoe Bay Field, the largest conventional oil and gas field in the United States. Although Harry considered it a “privilege to lead the exploration group that did the geological field work, the recon and detailed seismic and the overall stratigraphic and structural analyses” that convinced them they had a viable play, he was unquestionably the team’s most valuable player. A true leader, Harry was proud of his team and the accuracy of their data interpretation that led to the discovery, followed by a successful step-out seven miles from the discovery – something unheard of at that time. The announcement of the discovery led to utter chaos for Harry and the ARCO team! Atlantic Richfield and partners developed much of the technology used on the frozen North Slope. To move the oil, the 800-mile long Trans-Alaska pipeline was constructed from Prudhoe Bay Field south to the port of Valdez near the Gulf of Alaska. Prudhoe Bay’s reserves are 16BO and 25TCFG.

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See Also...

Joe Gifford - My International and West Texas Exploration Career, Part 1
Larry Funkhouser - Chevron's Exploration Leader and Petroleum Geologist (Part 1)