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Marvin Brittenham

Marv Brittenham began his career with Texaco, followed by Impel Energy, in both cases successfully exploring for oil and gas plays. His challenging and rewarding career then turned to the development of resource plays with Snyder Oil in the Rockies, Columbia Gas in the Rockies and Texas, and Flying J in Utah. In 2002, Marv joined Encana, a Canadian company formed by the merger of Alberta Energy and PanCanadian. As Encana’s New Ventures Manager, Marv, together with David Hill, an engineer, led a highly successful team that got Encana into the Amoruso Field (deep Bossier sands) in East Texas; the Haynesville play in NW Louisiana; the Columbia River Basin in Washington; the Collingwood-Utica shales in the Michigan Basin; an oil play from the Gallup and Niobrara formations in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico; and the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale in Mississippi and Louisiana. Marv and David also provided valuable technical advice for Encana’s development of the unconventional Montney shales and silts and the Duvernay shale play in Canada.

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See Also...

Dan Steward - On Achieving George Mitchell's Vision: Producing Hydrocarbons from the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas (Part 3)
Bert Bally - Research Scientist, Explorationist, and Professor (Part 1)