Bill Fisher has enjoyed a distinguished, multifaceted career in State and Federal government, academia, professional societies, implementing public and energy policies, and in future energy predictions. As the Director of the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology in Austin, he expanded it from a small state agency into an influential, internationally-recognized research group that addresses both Texas and international issues. Bill served as the Assistant Secretary of the Interior under President Ford and served on the White House Science Council under President Reagan. He served as chair of both the Department of Geological Sciences and the Geology Foundation at the University of Texas at Austin. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Jackson School of Geosciences and securing its substantial endowment, and served as its first director and inaugural dean. Bill introduced the concept of depositional systems and published extensively on the subject; later, he focused on future energy predictions with many influential publications. He has long been active in several professional societies, particularly the AAPG, of which he is a past president. He is a recipient of the AAPG Sidney Powers Memorial Award and the SEPM William H. Twenhofel Medal. Bill is also a member of the National Academy of Engineering.