Hans is an innovative exploration geologist in Norway. He started his exploration career with the Norwegian authorities, taking part in establishing the national petroleum management system. This included planning the concession rounds from 1972 to 1983 and the virgin national geological and geophysical mapping of the Norwegian and Barents Sea that in 1980 became the basis for selecting areas for exploration activities. Hans has explored the Norwegian shelf with Saga Petroleum, DNO and Lundin Norway. While with Saga and Statoil, he discovered several fields, the largest of which was the giant Snorre Field. As an exploration manager with Lundin, Hans and his colleagues discovered Edvard Grieg Field, Luno II Field, and the giant Johan Sverdrup, a 2-3 billion barrel field. Hans reviews the innovative exploration team approach, which worked successfully where others had failed. Later, in the Barents Sea, Lundin has discovered Gohta and Alta fields, with numerous leads for future drilling. For his significant discoveries, Hans was honored by the AAPG with its Norman H. Foster Outstanding Explorer Award.

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See Also...

Jim Henry - How New Technology Led to the Discovery and Development of the Wolfberry Oil Play in the Midland Basin Portion of the Permian Basin, West Texas
M. Ray Thomasson - My Career in the Petroleum Industry (Part 2)