The late Bob Sneider was an extremely influential geologist in advancing modern concepts for reservoir description, characterization, and development, and the integration of reservoir engineering. He spent the first part of his career working at Shell Oil Company, developing depositional models for siliciclastic sediments and creating the Sneider Rock Classification. After leaving Shell, he and Larry Meckel formed Sneider and Meckel Associates. This small company partnered with John Masters and Jim Gray (Canadian Hunter), discovering the Elmworth Field in the Alberta Basin, the largest gas field in Canada at that time. Bob then formed his own exploration company, and purchased older, producing oil fields, expanding their reserves considerably by focusing on developing bypassed and low resistivity low contrast (LRLC) reservoirs. Bob taught many short courses globally and consulted extensively with numerous companies. He developed reservoir and seal catalogs similar to those he had created at Shell. His emphasis was always on the integration of rock physics, petrophysics, sedimentology and reservoir engineering. Bob received the AAPG Sidney Powers Memorial Award and was a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

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See Also...

Sam Gary - Discovery of Bell Creek Field, Powder River and Carter Counties, Montana
Pete Matuszczak - How a 'J' Sand Study in the Denver Basin Led to the Discovery of Wattenberg Field