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R.G. "Jerry" Albertus

As integral members of the Ultra Petroleum team, R.G. “Jerry” Albertus (now deceased) and Stephen Kneller determined the techniques necessary to release gas from the overpressured, tight, low perm Lance sand reservoirs on the Pinedale Anticline, Sublette County, Wyoming. They found that coring and rock studies are essential to understanding the Lance reservoirs. Knowing what clays are present in the sands and keeping water off the sand reservoirs are key to gas extraction. Drilling with oil-based muds, proper cementing and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing led to maximizing production from these highly sensitive sand reservoirs. Both Steve and Jerry agreed that “what you did last drilling season may not be what you do this year – it’s always evolving” was the best advice they could give anyone working on the Anticline. The Pinedale Field recoverable gas reserves are more than 35TCF.

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Bob Gunn - Independent Geologist, Entrepreneur, Businessman, and Public Servant, Part 2
Don Todd - My Indonesian Experience, Part 1